What is CLPL?

YDance is committed to the development of dance in all settings across Scotland and has provided Career-Long Professional Learning for Primary and Secondary school teachers and Dance Teaching Artists since 2010. We offer bi-annual courses online or can deliver bespoke training within your local authority. 

Dance education within schools is a way for young people to express themselves physically, emotionally, and creatively. It enhances their enjoyment of learning and their ability to cooperate with others while building confidence. Dance can be part of a broad and general education, an SQA course, or used as an intervention that supports learning and aims to increase engagement through a kinaesthetic process.   

Our aim for school teachers is to develop practitioners’ skills and confidence in delivering creative dance, inclusive dance, cross-curricular dance sessions, BGE Dance, and SQA Dance courses in schools.  

Our aim for dance teaching artists is to provide a space to deepen knowledge and understanding of teaching methodologies and pedagogy, have critical dialogues with fellow teaching artists and have an opportunity to continue learning and progressing.

If you are interested in bespoke CLPL for your staff please get in contact with Amy Park, Head of Programmes at   amy@ydance.org 

Keep up to date with our CLPL sessions by  subscribing to our newsletter.   

  • The online  CLPL courses are delivered bi-annually and provide an opportunity for teachers delivering dance to upskill to ensure they provide breadth, challenge, and application for their learners. The CLPL courses provide practical and experiential learning and create a network with other teachers delivering dance in schools. 

    Next courses May 2026.

  • Bring YDance into your setting or local authority to deliver CLPL sessions to your staff. These courses can be created for your needs, use a theme or subject of your choice, and are suitable for all staff members, regardless of experience.  

    The focus for Primary schools is on inclusive, creative educational dance using the experiences and outcomes laid out in the Curriculum for Excellence. Support your classroom learning by reinforcing classroom topics through creative dance to enhance the learning and teaching experience for all.    

    For secondary, YDance can support the delivery of BGE Dance, NPA, National 5, and Higher Dance courses. This can include style-based sequences, technical classes, choreographic knowledge and skills, and support for dance history and dance theory. 

    If you are interested in CLPL for your staff, please get in contact with Amy Park, Head of Programmes at   amy@ydance.org

  • This two-day intensive course is for emerging and experienced teaching artists to come together to reflect on their teaching practice, develop and deepen their skills and knowledge of teaching methodologies and theories, have critical conversations, and deepen their understanding of Laban analysis and creative educational dance to ensure children can learn through and about dance simultaneously. 

    Next course – 6th and 7th June 10-5 pm. 

    Venue  -  TBC 

    Cost - £50 pp