Working with YDance
YDance employs a core staff of 14, along with engaging freelance dance artists for different projects. Vacancies are advertised on the YDance website and social media and through arts, youth and education websites as appropriate.
YDance is an equal opportunities employer:
• Scottish Youth Dance ensures that no potential or actual employee, participant or volunteer receives either more or less favourable treatment on the grounds of visible or non-visible differences, such as race, ethnicity, age, marital or parental status, gender, sexual orientation, physical and mental ability, cultural heritage, economic status, nationality, religion or beliefs.
• Scottish Youth Dance does not tolerate unfair discrimination against members of its staff by any of its employees or other persons appointed to the service of the organisation’s activities, in whatever capacity. Unfair discrimination will lead to disciplinary action being taken.
• The Equal Opportunities Policy is monitored by an Equalities, Diversity and Inclusion Working Group, which reviews the policy and implementation on a regular basis and reports to the Board of Directors.
Current Vacancies
There are no current vacancies.